Why purchase a smoothie from a coffee or smoothie shop when you can make them yourself?
Not only do coffee house smoothies cost about $4 for a 16 oz cup, in most cases they are loaded with sugar and other weird things that aren't naturally found on this earth. Smoothies can be a really healthy, filling way to start off your day if you make them right. To me, it also feels like I'm having a little treat... Especially if you throw a little coconut rum in there on your days off from work.
Purchase ingredients that are in season and a home-made smoothie can be fairly cheap. The smoothies I make run me about $1.20 for a 16 oz portion. The riper the fruit, the sweeter the smoothie will be. Sometimes you can find over-ripe bananas (perfect for smoothies) for $0.25 a pound. That will cut the cost of the smoothies significantly because the bananas I purchased cost $0.70 per pound. Bananas can also be frozen if you happen to buy a bunch of them on sale.
Here is what I typically put in my smoothies...
Makes about two 12 oz cups
16 oz cup full of ice cubes
1 cup orange juice
1/2 cup blueberries
4 or 5 medium-sized strawberries
1 banana
squeeze of honey
Blend until the consistency is smooth (Use the ice crush option if it is available). If it is too thin, add more ice. If it is too thick, add more juice. If you want a creamier smoothie, add a little yogurt or milk. If you want to catch a buzz, add some rum. You can change up the fruit, the juice, add protein powder... The possibilities are endless.

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