
Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Days Off

Well, it's been five days since my last post and I was able to get a lot of things done since then.  Besides trying to get our home together, another reason why I haven't been blogging as frequently is because it's been so beautiful the past few days that Matt and I have been spending more time outside (we are steps from the beach).

Organizing my coupons and taking care of my container garden will always be a work-in-progress, but I crossed them off for now because I did what I had intended.  All in all, I am happy with what I was able to accomplish on my days off.
  •  Clean freezer/fridge
  • Put away clothesGo shopping
  • Organize coupons
  • Organize towel closet
  • Purchase soil, start working on my container garden
  • Make granola
  • Do some cooking to stock up freezer - So far I will be making burritos, lasagna and mac and cheese
  • Get some paperwork done that I should have done months ago
  • Oh, and clean the house in general

 As far as cooking goes, I was able to make:
  • 10 Chicken burritos
  • 3 Pans of lasagna
  • 12 Pizza Pockets
  • Granola

The burritos, lasagna and pizza pockets are wrapped and stored in the freezer.  I also have really good chicken broth that came from cooking a whole chicken (for the burritos) in the slow cooker that my mom bought us for Christmas.  I am really excited about how everything turned out and hope to post about my freezer cooking day soon (maybe tomorrow). 

Now, I'm off to my job to work with chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to your pizza pocket info! I am getting ready to make a list of things to make and stock our freezer with before baby comes.
